
Covid-19 Resources

This is definitely a stressful time for all and in an attempt to help alleviate the minds of many, here are a few articles, videos, and other links that have helped me stay positive during quarantine.

Guide to Well-Being during Coronavirus

Mindfulness for Teens course

This is an article I wrote and published on Arianna Huffington’s Thrive Global. The article acknowledges the tough nature of the current situation but goes on to offer a few silver linings. Additionally, I suggest a few ways in which to make the best out of quarantine. Stay tuned for more content coming soon!

Every week at 1pm EST, Professor Duckworth, bestselling author of Grit, answers prevalent questions about this new reality of life at home. The series is specifically dedicated to helping parents during this stressful time but is also very helpful for anyone wondering about coping with stress, establishing better habits, building resilience, and other similar topics.

Thrive Global is an amazing resource for articles about mental health and wellbeing during this pandemic. With contributors from all over the world, and topics ranging from tips for how to spend time alone to the importance of meditation during crazy times, you are bound to find something of interest.

Yale’s most popular class taught by Professor Laurie Santos is now being taught online, for free! I took this class about a year ago and would highly recommend it. The class covers topics such as misconceptions regarding happiness, how we can overcome our biases, and stuff that really makes us happy, among others.

The Greater Good Magazine has created an amazing resource for people to utilize during Covid-19. The guide includes practices, stories, articles, tips, and other resources to promote happiness and overall well-being during this stressful time.

This is an incredible resource for teens to utilize over the next few months. Through this interactive course, teens will learn mindfulness tools that will ultimately lead to less stress, improved focus, and positive mindsets. And the best part: it’s fun! Cathy Riva, a certified mindfulness coach leads this two month course through lessons such as “prioritize happiness”, “TikTok you don’t stop”, and “Your smile lights up your brain”. Click the link to check it out!